We’re Gaga Over San Francisco’s Blue Bottle Coffee
Blue Bottle Coffee ~ San Francisco, California – When we were preparing our trip to San Francisco, we went to our vast network of subscribers, fans, and friends to inquire about must see/do types of things.
Immediately percolating from the crowd were euphoric commendations for Blue Bottle Coffee.
Please understand, these were not just folks saying, “while you’re there you should” type suggestions. No. These suggestions were more akin to pining and lamenting as folks daydreamed about the day they had their first taste of San Francisco Blue Bottle Coffee.
With all the hubbub over this coffee, we arose on a brisk San Francisco Saturday morning, and made our way to the Blue Bottle Coffee location in San Francisco’s famous Ferry Market.
As we crossed the street to the market, we were serenaded by the guy in this short video, followed by the sweetest words imaginable to a couple of roaming baby boomers yet to have their morning caffeine fix.
I can still hear her voice, “do you want a latte“?
Not so fast, Missy, I thought to myself, and then I proclaimed, “I want to sample the best of Blue Bottle Coffee“. Immediately, from behind the steaming coffee machines, a guy called out, “then you want the Gibraltar“.
He then went on to explain that the Gibraltar (pictured above) was an off-menu item, and featured equal parts of their organic espresso and steamed organic milk.
“Sign me up“, I said, and immediately he went to work pounding, pouring, making swishy sounds from steel machines, and proudly set a large shot glass of caffeinated wonderfulness in front of me.
I took a sip of this steaming hot nectar and immediately my eyebrows raised, my mouth puckered just the slightest from the faint bitterness of the bean, and my eyes rolled back in my sockets from pure glee.
Wow! That’s good!
As you have probably by now surmised, The Roaming Boomers® are gaga about Blue Bottle Coffee. When you travel to San Francisco, you absolutely must get yourself some!