We’re Winners in the Virtuoso Travel Advisor Photo Contest
Hey! What do you know? We won third place out of over 700 entries in the Virtuoso Travel Advisor Photo Contest.
Our winning entry was shot aboard the m/s Paul Gauguin while sailing in the French Polynesian Islands. One morning, after breakfast, a group of local school children came aboard our ship to entertain us with local dance and song. After the performance, I caught this young gal giving one of her childhood girlfriends a beautiful smile as they all basked in the glow of our applause and appreciation.
To be completely transparent, they all were so beautiful that I found tears in my eyes as I watched these innocents dance. A very memorable experience.
There were also sweet travel prizes for the winners. We won round-trip business-class tickets to Uruguay, with a three-night stay in a very nice resort. South America, here we come!