Video: Former Miss USA Susie Castillo Claims Sexual Assault by TSA
This is a video (shown below) that is currently going viral on YouTube. Former Miss USA Susie Castillo is tearfully claiming that she was sexually assaulted by the TSA in the Dallas/Ft.Worth airport.
“Well, this pat down was completely different. It was MUCH MORE invasive than my first one at LAX, just a week before. To say that I felt invaded is an understatement. What bothered me most was when she ran the back of her hands down my behind, felt around my breasts, and even came in contact with my vagina! Honestly, I was in shock, especially since the woman at LAX never actually touched me there. The TSA employee at DFW touched private area 4 times, going up both legs from behind and from the front, each time touching me there. Was I at my gynecologist’s office? No! This was crazy!”
We (The Roaming Boomers®) have never come close to such a circumstance, but this type of thing seems to keep raising its ugly head.
What do you think?