Update on Travel to Cuba
Open Travel for U.S. Citizens to Cuba Coming Soon
It is becoming quite likely that 2017 will be the year that Americans traveling to Cuba will be all the buzz in the world of travel.
Perhaps because it was formerly forbidden and folks are curious. Perhaps it’s the 9 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Cuba. Perhaps it is the largely untouched white sand beaches and coral reefs.
But as we talk to clients inquiring about travel to Cuba, most see Cuba as a land frozen in time. There exists a certain Hemingway romance that is drawing folks, and they have a large desire to witness it before the mystique is destroyed with the Golden Arches.
Many desire to experience Cuba before its mystique is destroyed by the Golden Arches.
Today, travel to Cuba by travelers with U.S. Passports is still forbidden unless you are visiting under Obama’s so-called purposeful travel with its 12 exemptions or a people-to-people cultural exchange visit.
However, the U.S. Transportation Secretary has just proposed that eight airlines be given approval to begin direct flights into Havana. And, according to some sources, this may be fast-tracked with flights beginning as soon as the end of the year.
Want to see Cuba Before it is Forever Changed? Go now!
As I mull over in my mind about when to make a journey to Cuba, I think that if your desire is to see Cuba before it is forever changed by millions of American tourists, you might want to consider one of the people-to-people small group journeys that are currently available.
Even under the current restricted access, the number of Americans visiting Cuba is up significantly. And when the floodgates open later in the year, I suspect Havana will be the land of chaos until they can get the needed infrastructure built to accommodate the coming tidal wave of American tourists.
What to do?
If you think you’d like to visit Cuba before the tidal wave of tourists hit the shores of Havana, let’s talk. We are very well equipped to have a conversation about the available options. And if you decide that you’d like to actually book a trip, we’ll help you decide which of the currently available small group tours best match your travel style, and we’ll take care of all of the details.
From a pricing perspective, a 10-day, 3-star experience is going to start around $2,700/person (without air), and I saw a 13-day, 4+-star experience for $7,999/person (without air). As these are small group experiences, these are going to include most of your meals, transportation, and lodging. There are also very limited cruise ship experiences currently available as well.
To get a sense of all that we have available for you in Cuba, click here. And perhaps most importantly, don’t try to go it alone. When we help you, we have travel partners that have helped hundreds and hundreds of folks visit Cuba. Together (our partners, us, and you), we’ll help you craft a wonderful experience.
For more information, call our travel agency at (480) 550-1235, or use our convenient online information request (click here) and we’ll reach out to you.
Note: creative commons photograph above courtesy of Marko Derksen on Flickr
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