Travel Photography Tip: Look for Symmetry
Click photo for larger view. ©2015, David A. Porter
Within the human psyche, there seems to be an intrinsic love of symmetry that our eyes find very appealing. The theologian in me tends to think that this is something that God has wired within his creation. Everywhere we look in the universe, we find remarkable order, and our inward being seems to be drawn to it.
Since the dawn of photography, photographers have crafted works that use symmetry to stimulate this innate desire in all of us. Therefore, when you’re out with your camera, look for situations that you can use this inner pull to help you create a beautiful photograph.
When we were in Arles, France, we were visiting the spot where Vincent van Gogh created his Le Jardin de la Maison de Sante, Arles. And, the minute I walked into this beautiful courtyard, the symmetry of these columns was the first thing to catch my eye. If you can, also pay attention to the available light and shadows as these can add a sense of drama to your composition.
I hope you enjoy my photograph as much as I did creating it just for you! 🙂
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