Thanksgiving Harvest Feast at the Heard Museum
Phoenix, Arizona – The Heard Museum Presents Harvest Feast: An Edible Gallery
A New Way to Celebrate Thanksgiving at the Valley’s Favorite Native Venue
WHAT: Harvest Feast: A Native American Edible Gallery
On November 25, join the Heard Museum for a special, cuisine-based American Indian journey! Harvest Feast Day: An Edible Gallery is an incredible way to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with friends or family without needing to cook a thing!
Chef Freddie Bitsoie, Diné, bridges American Indian culture and professional kitchen expertise. This unique epicurean event under his direction centers on five edible galleries. Four of the five stations will focus on traditional ingredients from the Northeast, Southeast, Northwest and the Southwest. The fifth station’s menu will be a modern twist on tribal foods reflecting the culinary influence of the French, Spanish, Dutch and English on native foods and ingredients.
The sample menu for the Southeast region includes Chitimacha baked duck with choke cherry sauce, Hopewell-inspired stewed red beans in tomato and herbs, Macque Choux, Muskogee Creek cabbage slaw, Cherokee sweet-pepper pot soup and Seminole-style wild berry dumplings in grape sauce. Not surprisingly, many of the foods associated with the current Thanksgiving meal—such as turkey with all the trimmings—are comprised of foods native to the United States. What better way to celebrate the generosity shown by Native peoples at the first Thanksgiving!
The Heard Museum and Heard Museum Shop will be open to the public Thanksgiving Day, making it the perfect way to spend the day with family and friends in town for the holiday weekend. Shoppers can get a jump start on holiday shopping with books, jewelry and hand-made ornaments in the Shop and guests can tour the museum with an expert docent.
WHEN: Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, November 25, 2010, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
WHERE: Heard Museum, 2301 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, Ariz.
COST: $70 Adults, $60 for Heard Museum Members; $30 children 12 and under.
Price does not include gratuity; beer, wine and cocktails are additional. Price does not include museum admission.
INFO: Reservations must be made by calling 602.252.8848 ext. 2276.