Saint John the Baptist Cathedral in Lyon, France
Click photo for a larger view. ©2015, David A. Porter
I shot this photograph from the covered terrace of our lovely room at the Villa Florentine Hotel high up on the famous Fourviére Hill overlooking the historic center of Lyon, France. Quite a lovely view, don’t you think?
I still marvel that I am able to produce such beautiful handheld photographs with my Sony A7. And, I also used my new Sony 24-240 zoom to boot. Yeah! No more tripods in my suitcase when I travel. A very happy camper, I am.
This cathedral was completed in 1476. Quite a few years before Columbus sailed the ocean blue. It’s rather remarkable to think about, isn’t it?
For now, I’ll just share this photograph with you. I’ll circle back around in another post and tell you about our wonderful stay in the Villa Florentine Hotel. Stay tuned…
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