Getting Your Private Parts X-Rayed at the Airport
There has been a lot of hubbub about the new scanning devices being installed all over the country by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
As it turns out there are two types of scans being used in our airports: the Millimeter Wave, and the Backscatter. According to the TSA Blog, the screeners are not able to see faces, and are locked away in a private rooms so that no one else might see these scans.
The TSA also wants to assure people that these scans are not saved, and do not contain the genital revealing clarity that some websites have been claiming. However, here is a video claiming quite the opposite.
For me, I guess this is the price we pay to have safe travel in the United States. Furthermore, if some man/woman is getting their jollies by viewing my scan, well…what choice do we have? Right?
I suppose the protesting public will tighten the ways these scans are used, but the simple truth of the matter, at least right now, if you want to fly, you must potentially have your goodies checked out.
Here is a CBS “60 Minutes” video that speaks about these scanners. Fast forward to 9 minutes to see the part specifically on the body scans.
Yeah, I got a problem with the TSA as a whole. So I hate that I give up my right to privacy.
Since 9/11 has TSA stopped or slowed down a terrorist? No. It's a giant boondoggle that is wasting tax dollars. However: if the TSA was allowed to detain and search based on a profile of the terrorist, they MIGHT do some good. But I doubt it.
Wrong and I will no longer fly. This has nothing to do with safety. It is a chipping away of our privacy so that we will be able to be controlled completely. Wake up and read the lies!
Oh come on Lindywise,
Do you really think this is part of a mass conspiracy to completely control our lives?
I suspect that those in charge, at the end of the day truly desire to keep the public safe. Granted, there is danger of crossing lines and moving to control. And further, there are indeed legitimate privacy concerns.
For me, I am willing to give up a little privacy to have better faith that the guy sitting next to me on the place doesn’t have something in his possession to bring the plane down.
Your alternative, no flying, is also a type of response to the debate. But for me, not flying is not an option. We love to travel, and our growing business is built around that travel.
Yes I do think it is part of a conspiracy.