British in an Uproar Over TripAdvisors “Dirtiest Hotel” List
A recent article in Travel Weekly highlights the British Hotel Association’s brouhaha over whether consumer reviews on websites like TripAdvisors are legitimate.
I happen to know that a lot of my friends rely on review sites like TripAdvisor when they travel. However, I have often heard of disappointments arising because of the potential for abuse as well.
The world of a socially wired travel industry, just like many other industries, it much like the wild, wild west. When you are not certain of the authenticity of a particular review, you bode well to keep that in mind.
Nonetheless, these site are obviously bringing value to people, or they wouldn’t be getting the massive traffic numbers that they are.
On obvious solution to this travel writer is to simply have the world subscribe to our site. But alas, we haven’t been everywhere in the world. Therefore, sites like TripAdvisor bring a valuable experience to the world’s travelers.
It’s a real problem that begs for a solution.
What do you think? Do you use, and/or trust sites like TripAdvisor?
I have read it. When we were planning to go to New York City several years ago, I was online with for several days. We had never been there; had no idea of what it was like and of course, where to stay. When we went to Maui for the first time and lookuing for a hotel in an ideal part of the island, I used traveladvisor as well as travel books. That turned out perfect – we were in a beautiful part of the island with good beaches and clear water in which to snorkle in. I always research carefully anyplace we go to that we haven't been to before (unless it's New Mexico, Alaska, Texas or Oahu/Maui — of which I'm familiar with). It's always good to have reference information!
Thanks for your insights!