Boeing: Nearly 50% More Overhead Bin Space Coming
Remember back a number of years ago when the airlines started charging passengers for checked luggage? The immediate result was huge numbers of folks trying to bring everything aboard the aircraft and attempting to stuff it in the overhead bins.
The airlines cracked down, and limited passengers to one carry-on and one personal item. Even so, if you’re not one of the first seated on the aircraft, you’re likely to have no bin space for your carry-on luggage. Right? :O
Well, Boeing has announced a new bin system for newer aircraft that will allow nearly 50% more carry-on luggage aboard. How? They made the bins taller so that they can accommodate the bags on their sides instead of having to lay them flat in the bin. Click the above photograph to get a better view.
The other good news? Boeing is able to retrofit their existing aircraft with these new bins. So, fingers crossed, perhaps we can get rid of this particular annoyance sometime in the future.
Wouldn’t that be nice! 😀
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