Baby Boomers: How to Photograph Fireworks
Photograph from Trey Ratcliff at Stuck in Customs
Photographing fireworks can be a very frustrating experience for many baby boomer photographers. With the big day just around the corner, I thought I would put together a short post to give you some things to consider as you prepare to create that National Geographic worthy photograph.
First and foremost, you are going to want to consider using a tripod, and a remote shutter release. Further, you should give some thought to framing your shot, what type of lens to use, and what aperture, shutter speed, and ISO setting to use.
Darren Rouse is an acquaintance and a regular on my Google Reader. He is also the owner of the fabulously successful Digital Photography School. Darren has written an article on this very subject, and I would invite you to hop over to his site to read: How to Photograph Fireworks Displays.
Enjoy and I hope you capture some great fireworks photographs!
I love DPS and Darren Rouse (even tho’ I’ve never met him but would like to!) Been on my Google Reader list also for a long time ….