A Shapeshifting Seagoing Floating Morphotel
The Morphotel is a concept that joins the idea of a floating hotel and a slow round-the-globe cruise ship created by Italian architect Gianluca Santosuosso.
Here’s this from DVICE:
“His vision calls for the Morphotel to go on an endless journey around the world, stopping occasionally in various ports to become a temporary extension of the city itself, as people and supplies come and go.
Built around a flexible spine, the Morphotel can adapt its shape to handle differing weather conditions, or to more neatly fit into the space available at a whichever port of call it is visiting. Instead of embarking of a set journey from point A to point B, the Morphotel will be on a continuous trip, and guests will have to catch up with it during a stop to get on. They can then stay for a journey that suits their needs, disembarking at a later stop in a different city.”
While this photograph caught my eye, and the concept triggered my imagination, it doesn’t to me sound like a very attraction travel option unless you desire to be holed up for months at a time.
Hmmm, very interesting. I would love to see what the inside of it looks like