5 Tips to Enjoy Champagne Travel on a Beer Budget
We quite often here from our readers that they can’t afford to stay at many of the five-star resorts that we frequent.
Well, here’s a little secret.
With a little planning, you absolutely can afford to enjoy champagne travel on a beer budget.
5 Tips to Enjoy Champagne Travel on a Beer Budget
- Travel in shoulder/off-season periods – we have found that this simple strategy can save you hundreds of dollars. In fact, we have saved as much as 75% off daily rack rates traveling in off-peak times. Plus, there are no crowds!
- Follow travel destinations on Facebook & Twitter – absolutely every single day you can find amazing travel deals directly from travel destinations. Because there are no middle-men involved, they can pass on incredible deals to you when they see their occupancies waning.
- Take advantage of travel rewards credit cards/programs – a full 50% of our airline expenses are free because of travel reward programs that we participate in. One caveat: you must pay your credit card off each month. If not, this is a horrible idea.
- Ask for upgrades – you would be surprised what a cheerful smile and the courage to ask will do. We have enjoyed countless free upgrades over the years by simply asking at the registration desk. Why not ask for a free upgrade and enjoy the champagne style of a luxury suite?
- Register with watchdog sites – there are countless “watchdog” services like airfarewatchdog.com who will keep a sharp eye open for amazing travel deals. Many times this will require flexibility in your travel dates, but we have seen abolutely unbelievable rates. For example, we have a friend who flew to Israel for $99 each way last year. Amazing, right?
So, raise your right hand and repeat after me: with a little planning, I too can enjoy champagne travel on a beer budget.
The key is planning.
So, put a plan in place, and get out there and travel. The world awaits you!